[img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/8b27324b0be2e04696422837bf330a0a/tumblr_nxgvf0kOig1unzdz2o1_500.jpg[/img] (left). Name: Brenna Jorguund. Age: 23. Gender: Female. Personality: A wild woman, willing to use whatever tools necessary to get her way. Apt to deceiving others for her own gain, only those she deems the most trustworthy can count on her word as true. She is selfish, though not arrogant. Backstory: A peasant woman who has lived most of her life as a farmhand on her father's small keepsake in the Swadia kingdom. She grows tired of farming day in and day out, and seeks to find fame and fortune in Calradia. Skills: Highly skilled craftswoman. Persuasive. Sensual. Perceptive. Cunning. Great trader and bargainer. Theft. Weapons/Equipment: Peasant robes, a small coin pouch. [@Hazy]