Fenrir had been on his knees desperately trying to cover his ears. It physically hurt, and it hurt a lot. His balance felt a bit off and he had a massive headache, but he had been in worse situations. He got to his feet, and noticed that Boros had left, revealing Tumble. He got a good whiff of the room, and it already smelled like home. He looked at Tumble, and couldn't help but remember Loki passed out drunk in a similar fashion. He just sighed, leaning against the wall, and muttered to himself [color=seagreen] I might not have my sanity by the end of this, but I have to do it. I owe him much more than this. [/color] He then stopped, and looked over to Nori and made a noise that almost sounded like a snarl to Nori, [color=seagreen] "I appreciate you standing up to Boros, but if you decide to make ears bleed again, I don't care if you a male, girl, or whatever. Do that again, and we will need to settle that outside." [/color] [@addamas]