[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/cGNgUZt.png[/img][h3][color=92278f][b]Bonesword[/b][/color][/h3][@The 42nd Gecko][@KoL][@Flamelord][@Ryonara][@Lucius Cypher][@Awesomoman64][/center] Riding upon the top of Stumpy, the skeletal swordsman rushed out of the bar and delivered a swift declaration of demonic might onto the Khan with Unleash, which was hastily torn in half by the blade. What more, the blade seemed to feel even lighter in the skeleton's hands, if only slightly. Bonesword began to understand what Hohenheim meant by her statement about it. He'd never be able to make full use of the weapon, but maybe he could work with it to get to a true sliver of it's power. The stump waltzed back into the bar, Bonesword still sitting on top of it, and towards the plant that Bonesword was still keeping up with. After picking up the plant (and leaving a sufficient amount of money to cover the drink and tip), the skeleton rode the stump over to beside Alexi and Wolf, where he began to chuckle at what Alexi was doing. [color=92278f][b]"Do you want something that isn't half-eaten, Alexi?"[/b][/color] [hr][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/iScvnBj.png[/img][u][color=00a651][h3]The Frog[/h3][/color][/u][@Lonewolf685][@The 42nd Gecko][@Lucius Cypher][/center] For the moment, it was peaceful. The Frog was quite enjoyed listening to Luci giggle as she was buried into the chest of Artoria (thank God she seemed like she was indifferent to him), but as we all know, these things can change on the fly in this universe. Enter, Fran, who riled up Luci and caused her to place the Frog on the top of Artoroa's head, which gave the Frog anxiety initially. Artoria was a bit unknown at the time, so being on her head gave the Frog the idea that she might accidentally turn him into whatever ungodly female form he had. He was somewhat relieved about the two being launched in the air to the other side of the room, mainly because the two were separated in distance for the while, but then he landed in between her breasts when she laid down, and that caused him enough anxiety to make him audibly emit a monotone noise through his slightly open mouth.