[b]"You haven't changed a bit, Mr Quinton. Tell me is that Little bit of Chicago still standing? Or did the aliens take you as well as you tiny town?"[/b] Ollie wasn't ecstatic to see Quinton but mixed with extreme hunger, he didn't have an off switch. On the other hand; Ollie was more than happy to escape the point of annihilation that would surely be their downfall, But upon realising their next destination, he was not overly pleased. [b]"Miss portal I must say this is not your best-"[/b] The teleportation occurred, and he once again fell to his knee, Ollie could feel his muscles fatiguing as he struggled to get up. He examined his new surroundings trying to find the nearest exits in case the need to run arose. Just then, what Ollie could only describe as a Charles Xavier who'd spent too much time in the gym, rolled up to greet them, [b]"A pleasure to meet you, whoever you are, I'm VantaBlack, do you know what my favourite thing in the world is?"[/b] He paused for a moment and started pacing back and forth gesturing as he spoke. [b]"When someone gives you a choice, that you don't have a choice in, Not to mention that I doubt you can to get these collars off, we've all tried and had no success."[/b] He stopped pacing in the middle of the circle of guards. Ollie started listening to His reply,[b]"The only crimes that have occurred are those done by the aliens, I'm not sure if you noticed it my good man, but there isn't exactly much more police on the streets anymore." [/b] [b]"But, supposing you're technicians could, that you found a way. None of us, myself included, owe you any favours my good sir, and I have repaid my debt to Miss portal; so, therefore,'IF' you can, You'll do the honourable thing, take off our collars, and we'll be on our merry way!"[/b] [@Timemaster] [@Afro Samurai]