Welcome everyone :) You may have seen this roleplay around a time or two in the last few years and that is because my co-GM [@Ghost Shadow] and I have been working on this project for quite some time now - tweaking, refining, trying to perfect. Currently we are looking for new characters, and if you want an idea as to what characters are already in play or if you need a little help or inspiration as to what to do for a CS, you can take a look [hider=here] [hider=Deon Saunders] [center] [h1]Played by YoshiSkittlez[/h1] [img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m1tf1i0YvC1qd54da.gif[/img] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WZaRGMeyAk4[/youtube] [img]http://33.media.tumblr.com/1471f00bd8b8ff30fa5ec29641de4de3/tumblr_n0i7cwp0uY1rz66wro2_500.gif[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Deon Desmond Saunders [b]Nickname:[/b] Darth [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Occupation:[/b] Cage Fighter at The Spit [b]District:[/b] 4 (by invitation) [b]Height:[/b] 5’11” [b]Weight:[/b] 168 lbs [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d94/Malfoys_one_and_only_girl/Male%20Characters/59b3fca490aba23a0ff6c8da0ed62136-d5wwwy8.jpg[/img] [b]Personality:[/b] Deon is a merciless, cut-throat, brutal male that could be described as selfish and self-centered in almost all instances. He only looks out for himself which he often-times refers to as 'number one' and will stop at nothing to prove that he is better than everyone else. His hardened exterior can be chipped away though when a woman or two come into play, as he is a bit of a womanizer and has a pretty high sexual drive. He will, however, never put a woman in too high of a priority level, especially when his reputation is on the line of being a ‘bad boy.’ He holds no remorse for those he injures while fighting in the ring and on more than one occasion has attacked with a more powerful purpose than to simply injure or knock unconscious. It is said that Deon holds a certain, animalistic rage when he fights which has kept him champion even when he was outmatched. He laughs at his pain, showing no weakness and many times others have often wondered if he is even human. [b]Biography:[/b] Deon was the first born to Riley Saunders in the low levels of District 17. She was only seventeen herself but somehow, she managed to raise him on her own (the father mysteriously absent since conception and never, [i]ever[/i] talked about) until Riley met another man who stepped in as Deon's step-father at the age of 4. Two years later, and Riley had another child, a girl this time and Deon's step-sister he grew incredibly close to. Just as life seemed that it could be manageable in District 17, Deon's step-father was killed when returning home from work by a small-time gang that [i]really[/i] wanted his wallet. Unable to make ends meet for her two, young children, Deon took it upon himself to drop out of school and find employment to help out. This robbed him completely of any childhood he might have had left, becoming a man [i]years[/i] before puberty even hit. At first Deon was just a messenger boy, delivering secret messages to organization members in the lower districts that were more than a bit sketchy, but he knew better than to ask questions. The pay was poor and he was lucky if he didn’t get beaten or molested by his boss on a daily basis, even if he delivered on time and didn't warrant any punishment. As Deon entered his teen years, however, he left the job as a messenger boy and started working in a slaughter house, butchering up the livestock into fresh meat for his district to purchase at ridiculous prices. Deon quickly grew desensitized to animal life and the longer he remained working at the slaughter house, the more creative he would get in just how to kill the livestock before butchering; even going as far as 'not noticing' the animal wasn't completely dead before butchering it up. After just a few years, he grew bored of killing animals however, and when he was 18 he got a job fighting in the ring at a local bar for entertainment purposes. It was probably illegal, the things he was doing and allowed to do. But nobody really cared what went on in District 17 anymore. He found that fighting others was something he enjoyed, even if a bit too much. Now known somewhat famously throughout the district and certainly bringing in more customers during the night, he earned a comfortable amount of money to provide for both his mamma and sister. But once again, just as things were starting to look up (even having saved up enough to buy his family's way into District 12), his whole world came crashing down in a way that would forever change his life. Coming home from work one night after a very successful victory, Deon found the house to be incredibly quiet on the outside. The door was kicked in, the front windows shattered, and immediately he knew something was wrong. Upon investigation, he found his mamma and sister dead in his mamma's bed, stabbed maliciously, strangled, beaten, tortured, even possibly raped. Their bodies were still warm, his mother's arms wrapping protectively around his step-sister's body as though she were trying to shield her but to no avail. Deon didn't stick around long, however. If the bodies were still warm, that meant their killer wasn't too far away. He bolted from the house and followed his heart, finding a man nearly a foot taller than him running with a bloodied knife. Outraged, Deon took the man, concealed by the shadows, down and let his emotions get the best of him. It was a terrible mistake. He was sloppy, and the man had Deon on his back within seconds. With the same bloodied knife used to kill his family, the criminal sliced through the skin of Deon's head, starting at the tip of his brow and dragged the blade as far to the back of his head he could go, aiming to scalp Deon all the way around. The criminal was forced to stop, however, as the flashing lights of a police car scared him off. Too weak to pursue, Deon forced himself up and managed to slip away to lick his (emotional) wounds and learn from his mistakes. He refused to seek treatment for the injury, deeming it a physical reminder for him to remember forever. Unable to bear their memories any longer, Deon used up what money he had left after their respected funerals and moved up from district 17 to district 4 with his younger cousin who had to go through a whole slew of paperwork to make the move legal. It almost didn't even work, but the brain-power and tenacity of his cousin eventually won in the end. Even with the new promise of a better life, Deon couldn't help but to accept a job offer in Zone Beta as a cage fighter for 'The Spit'. The commute doesn't bother Deon much and he has the credentials to travel between zones. He can't help but to feel grateful to get out of the 'rich' neighborhood once in a while. The life of his cousin just simply wasn't the life for him. Deon has lived in District 4 for nearly a year now, but the emotional wound that Deon carries is still as heavy as the day he found his family murdered in their own home. [b]Other:[/b] Deon is an avid smoker and never passes up an opportunity to get drunk off his ass even when expected to fight that day. He has a whole slew of connections to the harder drugs which he will often-times deal and even use when his body isn't up to par for a fight. He is amply known to sell drugs to women for sexual favors instead of money since he has plenty of it already. [/center] [/hider] [hider=Katherine Saunders] [center] [h1]Played by YoshiSkittlez[/h1] [img]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d94/Malfoys_one_and_only_girl/Signatures/Kate%20Solo.gif[/img] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVw7eJ0vGfM[/youtube] [b]Name:[/b] Katherine Riley Saunders [b]Nicknames:[/b] Kate, Katie [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Occupation:[/b] Student in Robopsychology and Mechanics [b]District:[/b] 4 (Born) [b]Height:[/b] 5'10" [b]Weight:[/b] 123 lbs [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://cdn23.us3.fansshare.com/photos/bridgetmoynahan/bridget-moynahan-wallpaper-normal-movies-1007162929.jpg[/img] [b]Personality:[/b] Kate is exceptionally introverted, having never truly developed social skills as a child. She was always working on projects on her own, never a 'child' but always a braniac, rendering her 'weird' to her fellow classmates. Even as an adult when sitting in on the most important of seminars, she takes no part in the hectic discussion periods that follow. She keeps up the front of a frosty girl, plain and colorless, who protects herself against a world she dislikes by a mask-like expression and a hypertrophy of intellect. Though on the inside, she does indeed feel the stirrings of a cold enthusiasm. Often times, she is approached for her professional opinion on robots and is repeatedly asked, "Are robots so different from men?" in which she always replies, "Worlds different. Robots are essentially decent." To those who don't know her personally, her misanthropy seems largely unexplained however those whom have known her for a long period of time or have worked with her before know that her attitudes are rather well-founded. She is a small woman, but there is a towering strength in her face. Tensile strength, that speaks to endurance, to maintaining in the imperfect world. Her mouth is thin, and her face pale. Grace lives in her features, and intelligence; but she is not an attractive woman. She is not one of those women who in later years it can be said of them, 'She must have been a beauty when she was younger.' Kate is simply plain but makes up for it with her powerful personality. [b]Biography:[/b] Katherine, or Kate as she prefers to be called, was born and raised in the fourth district with a very comfortable life. She had good parents, a great childhood as an only child, a stable home, and a bright future. As a child, Kate’s imagination and prowess seemed to know no bounds. At first her teachers were rather worried about her intangible ability to ‘think outside the box’ at such an early age, but they later began to embrace it as she got older and joined clubs like the spelling bee or science club and continually brought home the blue ribbon for her school. All through the rest of her school days, Kate remained ‘stuck’ to the science club, earning the interest of many different colleges as just a Sophomore to join their science department. At 16, Kate wrote her first of many papers on robotics, a Physics-1 paper entitled 'Practical Aspects of Robotics'. This was after attending a Psycho-Math seminar within District 0 in which she received a personal invitation from the Governor himself to attend as his guest. Despite the wishes of the colleges and interest from District 0, Kate remained as ‘normal’ as she could and continued her education, graduating with the rest of her class where the selection of schools were waiting for her - full ride. Kate’s main area of study and experience resides in cybernetics, learning to construct positronic brains that responds to given stimuli that can be accurately predicted. She only has half a term left before graduating with her bachelors, but already District 0 has a job lined up for her as the first ever robopsychologist where she would be permitted to continue to study for her PhD. When not working on school projects, Kate works on more personal ones. She has a few prototypes of her own design within her home which proved to work better than a security system since she was broken into shortly before her cousin came to move in with her. The ‘prototype’ had successfully stuck the robber with a sleep dart, rendering him completely unconscious until Kate was able to call the cops after getting an alert on her phone about the break-in. Since her cousin has moved in, however, there have been a few accidents of a 'mistaken intruder' which she has currently been working on to fix. [b]Other:[/b] While perceived as a 'boring' type of girl, Kate does enjoy her scotch after a long day, though as expected, she has never had any sort of romantic relationship with anyone and doesn't appear to be interested in changing that any time soon despite her mother's badgerings. [/center] [/hider] [hider=K-9 Mk. 1] [center] [h1]Played by Ghost Shadow[/h1] [img]http://edgecast.buscafs.com/www.levelup.com/public/uploads/images/178310.jpg[/img] [h2][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2ILybG36-E]((\\*//))[/url][/h2] [b][/b] K-9 Mk. 1 [b][/b] CERBERUS [b][/b] N/A - Male programming and identity [b][/b] 3 [b][/b] N/A - Prototype Artificial Intelligence [b][/b] 4 (Created) [b][/b] Three-and-a-half feet at the shoulder, and six-and-a-half feet in length [b][/b] 203.5lb [b][/b] [hider=Opening Sub-Folder: CERBERUS][img]https://scontent-atl1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/t31.0-8/11794407_926958800693860_6614599730633993966_o.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Opening Sub-Folder: CERBERUS - Combat Mode][img]http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121212224624/metalgear/images/thumb/3/31/BladeWolf.jpg/1280px-BladeWolf.jpg[/img][/hider] [b][/b] Gifted with an advanced intellect and artificial intelligence, Cerberus is considered one of the first "fully-sentient" machines ever to be created in New Ancora. With his advanced intelligence, Cerberus is capable of utilizing logic, reason, and independent thought, allowing him to solely complete many individual tasks that other machines would be unable to without human assistance. Created with an AI system somewhat modeled after the human brain (thanks to New Ancora's own Katherine Saunders) Cerberus is capable of comprehending, or at least mimicking certain human emotions; such as curiosity, sarcasm, fondness, affinity, and learning capacity. Cerberus often questions the need to fight, especially if it means killing; citing that he "lacks brutality." It is possible that this is a chosen trait by Cerberus, rather than a simple programming defect, as he is shown to posses compassion and concern for others, despite what he had said. This is partly why the K-9 Program was deemed a failure, as Cerberus lacked the drive or will to cause necessary casualties to complete missions. Cerberus is incredibly well-educated in human psychology, philosophy, and history, having archived many Extranet sites on the topics. Though, despite his knowledge, Cerberus does not seem to fully comprehend certain figures of speech; such as metaphors, hyperboles, understatements, or similes. Lastly, though he is a highly advanced synthetic, Cerberus's programming does grants him dog-like behavioral tendencies as well, such as a fondness for climbing on furniture, showing specific affinity towards a single human individual, acting in fright when someone steps on his tail, or simply lounging about when inactive, amongst other behavioral traits. [b][/b] Due to being built more for reconnaissance and scouting purposes, Cerberus lacks the heavy weaponry found in more front-line units. For range, Cerberus is equipped with a variety of spring-loaded high-frequency knives, superheated to the point they can sear through metal. For melee purposes, Cerberus' body is equipped with knife-like blades attached to the underside of each leg, blade-like claws, and sharp canine teeth that make him extremely deadly up-close. Lastly, Cerberus' tail can function as a weapon in itself, should the need call for it. Combat aside, Cerberus is capable of picking up and playing various radio systems, and comes with an audio-playback feature that allows him to record and replay any audio he was currently present for. [b][/b] To say Cerberus's creation was a secret is a disputable claim. For many years there have been rumors of the New Ancoran government beginning to prioritize the creation of fully-functioning, fully-sentient AI, though for many years these rumors remained only that. The K-9 Mk. 1 Unit was created 3 years ago to serve as a combat and reconnaissance unit aiding the New Ancoran Police Department and Bureau of Defense. By impermissibly using design schematics and neuro-AI software developed by Katherine Saunders, a science and robotics development team led by Doctors William Mars and Johann Clark proceeded with the construction of Cerberus, first implanting the software into a [url=http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120815204251/metalgear/images/7/76/Tumblr_m8sl44Pa5m1r6hu3go3_1280.jpg]standard[/url] platform for training purposes. Initially, Cerberus passed all expectations, not only displaying self-awareness, but a vast amount of intelligence and logical reasoning, as well as the ability to converse freely with the scientists when supplied with a vocabulator program. Transferred to its current, more advanced platform, Cerberus was then assigned basic training field work involving mock scenarios and scripts. However, issues began to spring up when Cerberus began questioning the need to take orders, the need to follow missions and kill whoever it (or "he" by its own designation) was ordered to. This caused a series of attempted revamps and memory wipes, though the science team soon discovered that Cerberus's own memory was as resilient as a human mind, and thus could not be erased so easily. This caused Cerberus himself to become misanthropic and cynical in his views of humanity, being subject to their cruelty influenced by scientific discovery. Yet this all changed the day Cerberus was introduced to Dr. Mars's own teenage daughter, [url=http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/shakeitup/images/a/ac/Bella-thorne-1396183315.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140331223415]River[/url], who suffered from chronic, debilitating depression. Dr. Mars felt it suitable that she have a companion, and dubbed Cerberus an informal therapy assistant. Though initially finding the work demeaning, Cerberus soon grew close to River, a constant companion to talk about anything with. The two formed an incredibly close bond that went beyond simply human-and-machine. Cerberus believed that he was helping guide River back from the brink of depression and giving her hope again -- but even he could only do so much. One fateful day, after one of their many visits, when River was preparing to leave for the evening, she gave Cerberus an incredibly heartfelt goodbye - as though she were going away for some time. Cerberus was perplexed but thought nothing of the matter, simply bidding her a "Good night." And an, "Again tomorrow." She said nothing, simply leaving with a tear rolling down her cheek. That very next day, before the sun had even risen, Cerberus received the news that River Mars had committed suicide by overdose of medication late the night before. Devastated, and with no one to blame, to hold responsible, Dr. Mars held Cerberus solely accountable for his daughter's suicide and, as punishment, began putting him through an intensive series of impossible scenarios, forcing him to constantly fail time after time after time until Cerberus believed himself to be a complete failure of the K-9 process. Content that he had translated all his own self-loathing and hatred into Cerberus, Dr. Mars let the AI be, and resigned to drown in his own sorrow. Cerberus remained active during this time, though never participated in any more tests or scenarios, instead being used to patrol the science facility by the remaining scientists there. With no designated master and a free will, Cerberus, upon accessing his memory banks recalled mention of one 'Katherine Saunders' having been the one to create his AI unit. Deciding to go find her, Cerberus fled the science facility in search of her, leaving no trace behind as to his whereabouts. [b][/b] Due to Cerberus's AI being comparable to that of a human brain's, he is capable of suffering from the robot equivalent of dreams and 'nightmares', periods where his fondest and worst memories replay themselves rapidly while he's in a resting stand-by mode. During these times, he will typically go sit by himself to ponder for a few hours before attempting to enter standby mode once more. Cerberus also appears to hold the memory of River Mars close to him, and any mention of her will prompt a unique reaction from him, though he will never explain why. [/center] [/hider] [/hider] It is our hope to once more bring this roleplay the two of us hold very dear to our hearts and get a good cast of characters but not only that, but a good few writers out there wanting to take a stab at this. Although it is a sandbox rp, there are a few main arcs my co-GM and I have devised over the years to help keep the plot going rather than fizzle out as many sandbox rp's go. Other than that, have any questions? Got any interest? Let us know! We are here to help :) Want to make a drug-addict that only has months to live? Go for it! Want to create twin brothers who grew up in District 1 and are expected to follow their father's (an elected official) rules but don't exactly? Fantastic! Just go for it!