[@Infamous Empath] [@GingerBoi123] [@Assallya] "Oh y'know, Mad Jester worshiping vampires and all that shit starting a fight. Y'know, that normal shit..." Raven replied. Freyja, being unused to such unrepentent profanity, instinctively covered her mouth, but said nothing. Then Raven turned around to get a good look at her. "You know how to use these properly?" he asked, gesturing at the medical supplies. Freyja nodded, and removed her hand. "I do. Stand aside, please." Before Raven could move out of the way, the injured man grabbed his wrist. "I need some clothes," he said. Freyja gently peeled the man's fingers away and took them in her own hand. "Do not worry, friend," she said, her voice warm and calming, "we will find you raiment. First, let me treat you." She surveyed his body for wounds. The only injury she could find was his foot, which was swollen in places but otherwise intact. That meant his ailment was internal. She pressed her hand to his chest and poured her Dust into him to diagnose his symptoms. [i]Blood count normal. Blood sugar low. Substrates low.[/i] The Dust returned to her, and she removed her hand. "He's exhausted," she declared aloud to whoever would listen. "Where is the food and water?"