[center][img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/the-grand-alliance/images/5/58/British-Professor-Man.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20131122205116[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Professor Basil T. Cunningsworth, Ph. D [b]Age:[/b] 61 [b]Occupation:[/b] Oxford University professor, lecturer, teacher. [b]Skills: [/b]When it comes to lecturing, Basil possesses a thoroughly uncanny ability to bore people into submission. His ability to go on a long-winded rambling tirade about absolutely nothing borders on the supernatural. As a matter of fact, it's quite likely his utterly dreary tales of his holidays to the Canadian alps or the minutae of milk quantities in perfectly boiling tea would put even Nyarlathotep to sleep. Basil is also a font of knowledge about almost everything. He's seen it all and done it all. Just try not to pass out when he tries to explain it, as many of his students did three years ago at Oxford when he was explaining the difference between microbiological organisms and minibiological contaminants, as one can so easily tell by investigating... Fixed in his ways and rather old, Basil tends to avoid being affected by mind-breaking sanity reducing effects by deeming it utter pish-posh, not worth mentioning, or ignoring it entirely as clearly it can't be real and he was merely remembering that one time back in the Canadian alps (alps for days) where he was skiing and saw a rather large... He's also a rather dab hand, I daresay, at gentlemanly boxing a la Queensbury rules. Tally ho, ruffians! [b]Faults:[/b] Unfortunately Basil is an old man. This means he's stuffy, long winded, and not exactly in his physical prime. As an old man, clearly age outranks power and as such he's far more likely to give any horrible entity from beyond the void a good tongue-lashing as clearly they can't withstand the wit and jibes from an Oxford professor, much like his dear aunt Beatrice, rest her soul, used to give all of the religious people at the front door whenever they came about for donations and I daresay they often turned tail and ran because dear Beatrice was a very firm talker and... [b]History: [/b]Basil has a long and storied history of globe-trotting and dramatic adventures. If you've heard of it, he's done it, or so he says. Right now he is currently on holiday to the Colonies, on a well deserved break from ignorant students at Oxford. Children these days! Pah! [b]Equipment:[/b] I daresay, Basil always carries with him a selection of notebooks that he uses to store notes on important things, like the names of various brandys in the cellar currently hosting a dimensional horror.