[h2][center][color=007236]Gabriel Moreau - Wall Maria: Shiganshina District[/color][/center][/h2] [center][@HecateProxy][@Jinxer][@wolverbells][/center] [hr] Gabriel continued walking along the path back to his house as the crowds spoke to the Scouts. In a way, Gabriel was afraid to look a them, but never truly admitted it. Some people mistook his avoidance for cruelty, as if he didn't care about the men and women who sacrificed themselves for greater good. It couldn't have been any farther from the truth. His hands gripped the flowers with intensity as he continued listening, until the crowd finally simmered down into silence, watching the battered soldiers drag themselves in like walking corpses. His attention didn't turn back until he heard his name being called. He turned back around and noticed a girl screaming out his name; Mora Kingsly. He knew about her and even spoke to her, but it was extremely short. All he could remember was that she was one of the few kids who could just barely kick his ass. In fact, he never even asked her name. He overheard it when Cain spoke about her...although he and Cain weren't on very good terms. In Gabriel's eyes, Cain was almost like a mother's boy, since he had a distrust of him. Of course, it never did bother him too much - not many of the other kids liked him due to the rumors. The only real 'friends' he had, if they still cared for him ever since he left their lifestyle, were the trouble-makers. In fact, there was one pick-pocket that he had gotten to know for a very short time, but he couldn't remember his name since they hadn't seen each other in a while. At the invitation to a picnic, Gabriel seemed to look a little flushed. He never went to a picnic before...at least not with children his age. The only picnics he remembered was ones with his younger siblings and his mother, whom he adored. He thought of the countless times he wheeled her out into the fields and enjoyed themselves, a bright smile on his face. It was one of the few times he ever really did show a large amount of emotion. Maybe the same would happen if he hung out with them? He took a deep breath and made his decision. Gabriel looked a little nervous approaching the other kids at the tree. He only really knew Mora, even if all he knew was her name, but he didn't know the other two girls. He walked up slowly and had a feint smile on his face, waving awkwardly. "[color=007236]Hey...thanks for letting me join you guys.[/color]" He placed the small bundle of flowers down beside him as he took a seat, his gaze shifting between the others. "[color=007236]So uhm...yeah. Gabriel.[/color]" He stuck his hand out to shake any of the others, hoping they might not be too wary of his presence.