I'll admit, I haven't written anything in months because after Hari vanished from thin air, I felt rather deflated. I kinda feel like a lot of the people who I do want to interact with are suddenly gone, and there isn't really much for me to do now. I love Gren and the things I'd get him into, but right now it just kinda feels like all of Gren's friends are dead. Sure, I could always make new ones for him, but at some point I'd have to address the elephant in the room and notice that since Hari is gone, Shiro has suddenly vanished too. Suddenly Team SNSG just lost an member and that's not something that I can just pretend to get over, especially for all the drama I had Gren get into with Shiro. Also doesn't help my own philosophy of waiting for people who I've responded to, so all this time I've been waiting for Pyro who I also think has gone AWOL. Unfortunate, but inevitable. As for you Lugu, this isn't your fault really. After all your attempts to do your job as a GM and getting it thrown back into your face, I'm not surprised that you are hesitant to try to reign the RP around again. That's what you got your Co-GM's for after all, whatever they're up to anyways. All in all I'm still interested, loosely anyways. I definitely know that Gren has stuff he could do, but it's less of a manner of Gren needing something to do, but mostly of a motivation for myself. Where am I going with him? What could I do now? Honestly after Gren's beat down with the nerf stick so long ago, my own interests in sticking around was mostly out of a sense of duty and honor turned stockholm. But now that's worn away only the guilt of thinking I might be letting this ancient RP die is what prevents me from just walking out the door.