Tamria coughed and spluttered as she was pulled around my her collar. Her legs barely able to support her weight. He spoke to her as if he knew her, as if they had somehow met before, but she had never seen him and if maybe she had, it was locked away with the rest of the forgotten memories from that day. It wasn't long before he returned to collect her from behind the rock he used to hide her. She wasn't sure where he was taking her or what was going on. The loud noises stung her ears and flashes of light burned her eyes. Then a sudden lurching. Tamria fell in a heap into the strangers (D'ren) arms. She was in bad enough condition as it was without the teleportation sickness on top. Her arm was dripping in blood, but she had no idea where it came from or if it was hers. She raised her head as a man in a wheelchair spoke gruffly. Something about a war and heroes and villains and aliens. All she knew was that she needed this collar removed. For a normal super human, it blocked their powers. Tamria's powers were all mental projections, thoughts that she could give life. Her collar seemed to interfere with her normal thoughts, causing headaches and black outs and all sorts of side effects that she would rather be without. She used (D'ren) to stabilize herself and follow the others in the direction she assumed by the few words she did hear, was the collar removal center. It was then that she screamed out in pain and grabbed her arm. The blood was hers.