[@Etherean Fire] Bayonetta is heading to the main lobby. She knows the event that is happening, but considering that there are a good amount of heroes chasing the thief, she just doesn't bother with it. [quote]Just as she finishes, the thief had stolen Mario's remains and runs off. After a thick command from the Soldier; Luigi, Najia, Cloud, and Varrock chase after the thief with great hast. Yet as they all run out the door, the Witch simply stood in place as she places the lollipop back in her mouth. [color=0072bc][b]"Well, looks like they all have it under control."[/b][/color] she expresses boringly as she walks to the entrance, [color=0072bc][b]"If you need me I'll be in the main lobby."[/b][/color][/quote] If you want a character to interact with her, I wouldn't mind. (Also I know I failed to post for Samus before the GM post, but irl stuff has made me feel limited in my capabilities atm, as well as multi-tasking sorta. Regardless, I'll be sure to make one this round)