Staff sergeant Ba'is stood after he heard the communications link sound their entry into earths gravity well, he entered the hangar bay where the twentytwo men and women within his squad stood at ease, three ranks with their helmets off. "Stand fast!" Someone shouted, all of them straightened their backs, pulled their hands to their sides and stomped their feet into the ground, after a brief inspection, staff sergeant Ba'is made his way to the front rank. "Stand easy!" The same man finally said, Ba'is pulled a holoscreen up from his arm and examined it. [color=7ea7d8]"Alright, here's what we've got... an unidentified alien life form is in New New York running around doing fuck all and we're here to catch it. We won't have to track it down ourselves, don't worry about that, I know we had trouble back on that god forsaken moon, the big guys up here will be telling us where to go instead."[/color], a sigh of relief could be heard throughout the squad, [color=7ea7d8]"This doesn't mean we aren't going face to face against it, I hope that doesn't hurt your feelings, private Willis."[/color] [color=f7976a]"No staff sergeant!"[/color] shouted a young voice in the back corner of the third rank. [color=7ea7d8]"Good. Stand fast!"[/color], the squad stood at attention, [color=7ea7d8]"The squad will equip their gear and double down to the drop ship, MOVE!"[/color]