[quote=@Lucius Cypher] I'd like to say I agree to this, and I do, but once more personal experience has made me think that this sort of thinking doesn't pan out in practice. Once more, Gren is my example. I'll admit I do want to load him up with all sorts of cool shit I think it's possible in RWBY, shit like jetpacks, giant guns, and badass robot armor. In my own opinion that's stuff I can see Gren wanting and eventually getting. But the problem comes from the fact that he does have to interact with others, and in a semi-competitive combat RP, there needs to be balance. When Lugu said that Gren is likely the "strongest" character in the RP, I was confused and worried. I won't lie; he's pretty badass in a fight. But ideally, so is everyone else. We're fucking hunters, not Jaune. Each of us ought to be able to not only hold our own but carry others too, either when necessary or when possible. In my mind, Gren isn't the "strongest" character because I don't care if he's the strongest or not. He's just exactly what I want him to be, which is basically an ork-sized gundam. But now that he's the "strongest", I feel like I have this pressure to both maintain a high level of strength, but also a limit to what else I can do or add onto him because he's already "the strongest", even if he hasn't achieved or obtained everything I wanted for him. SO that, plus me pondering and asking about getting him more things, have tended to backfire on me and makes me wonder if Gren is more work than he's worth. In this world of super powered teenage warriors, giant shadowy monsters, and weapons with no place in logic, I just wanted to be a giant robot. But I can't. And that makes me sad. [/quote] That's because he's loading on bullshit like one of Anaheim's crappy drugged-out creations. Regards, Strategic Naval Research Institute. (PS. ATMOS was a shit, stick with Psycoframes) Seriously though, if you want to play a giant robot, play a giant robot RPG. Or get an actual existing in-universe mecha and customise the shit out of it if you want to be a giant robot. If you're going to try buff your guy up and escalate, no shit you're going to get backlash, especially when you might have to fight them at some point. It's like minmaxers in a tabletop; competing with them requires you to go pull out the power buffs too and sometimes you can't be fucked.