Well it's that kinda of thinking is what is a cause for confusion for me. Bolters hardly seem like the strongest weapon in a world like RWBY, especially after seeing what some people can do with theirs (Coco tearing through Nevermores and Giant scorpions likes nothing being an example). The Nuclear reactor bit I'll admit was a dumb idea in that I had no idea what I was dealing with at the time. Gren was basically a guy permanently grafted into Fallout 4 Power Armor and I used references from there. I get that, but that only arose because someone needed to know the solid science behind how Gren can even exist because again, Gren is a Cyborg was a big issue back than that was either going to be eliminated or saved depending on how willing I was to fight for it. And I was very willing. And Gren being a cyborg was not only important for the purpose of being the warrior I wanted him to be, but for backstory reasons too, as well as utilizing information from canon that supports, though not quite proves, the idea that I had (The existence of humanoid machines and cybernetics). And as for everyone else making characters not quite as ridiculous as Gren, again, this is where you view of "We are our own main characters" kinda falls apart. Because what I'm about to say may insult many of you: I don't care how you build your characters. They're not mines to judge and I'm not trying to intentionally make Gren better or equal to yours. I knew PvP was going to be something that was going to happen, but I didn't scope out the competition to try to outclass you. I just had ideas for Gren I wanted to use and did everything I could to get them as soon as possible. If everyone wanted to make their characters stronger than Gren then so be it. Like I said, I'm more concerned that Gren is capable of doing what I want him to do. I hope that everyone else got what they wanted from their characters too. And if they want more, I'm more than willing to help them achieve it in some way. However as we can see, that's not always the case. I made Gren in his own world without really considering who might get involved in it. Because of that he's now considered unbalanced and in need of getting taken down a notch. I don't want that to happen, but it has happened before. It's selfish to think I can get what I want, and even when I do get it of course people won't like it. It's why I've always felt down about doing anything for this RP because every time I want to use Gren, I'm reminded that people don't like him, which in turn makes it feel like they don't like me. So now I just kinda hang out on my own and hope people can look past his combative stuff and try to interact with him as a normal person, without worrying about who he is or what he can do.