[@Lucius Cypher] I know my voice is probably that last anyone wants to hear on this discussion (again) but I think the main problem was that you created a character at the better levels of what was possible in RWBY, not the best or most terrifying but solidly ranked in power level. The rest of us sort of applied basic laws of physics and reality to the RWBYverse and based on a significantly reduced power scale created our own characters. I'm not saying that was bad or even in most cases intentional, just watch one of the RWBY fights and look at the ways, distances and powers they move with. When creating a character most of us forget that at our current training level jumped ten feet into the air would be easy and so forth. So you created a solid mid range character under RWBY's normal power levels, we all created solid mid range characters under the power levels of a general high school animeesque fantasy setting. It's sort of like putting down Yugio cards in a Pokemon card game, one by nature of being simply outclasses the other. On top of that because you'd created Gren under normal RWBY laws there wasn't really a solid way to argue with anything about his design. It's really a question of balancing more than anything else. The real problem is that at this stage there isn't really any concrete way of fixing it that doesn't gut Gren to the point he isn't the same character or require the rest of the group to do some serious reworking (which would very likely result in their characters becoming unrecognizable along the opposite path). As I'm writing this I'm realizing there wasn't really a solution anywhere in there, more just a summary of the conflict up to this point. [indent][i]-HoB Historian[/i][/indent] To the real issue that we've sort of skirted away from, the continued existence of Heroes of Beacon. I am still very much interested in this. ([@Multi_Media_Man] I'll see about getting a post up in the next day or two, so sorry about the long wait, again.) The real problem with the RP is unfortunately in it's design. In order to keep momentum most of the time it requires groups of four or more to be active at the same time. When even one person has something else they must deal with an entire section grinds to a halt. I don't really have a solution for that. The best thing I can say is that I really enjoy this RP, I love my character and will go along with whatever actions the group wants to take to keep HoB alive. Be it a reboot, recruitment, new GM/CoGMs, whatever. I have my own opinions on some of those until a discussion that gets into specifics starts I think a vaguely aimed rant from me wouldn't be the most helpful of things. Whatever needs to be done to keep our group together I'm willing to try.