Right. Focusing away from my woes, current issues to be addressed. Frankly, I feel at this point it may be for the best to do away with the team system. While our characters still form with Each other in order to deal with drop outs or death, we need to be able to let our characters work alongside other characters from other teams. That alone will ensure that even if people are missing from the "team", that won't adversely affect something like missions. More immediately however, the issue is motivation. My big spiel these past few hours basically amounts to a lack of motivation to do anything, for whatever reason. It's boring, nothing is going on, ornsome weird guilt. We don't really know where we're going with any of this anymore. The race was a bust and everyone is only loosely attempting to meet with family. I'm almost certain we've all forgotten about that wrestling match that's suppose to happen. I guess now we need to come together for a vote or something. Try to either skip to something interesting or maybe just try to figure out what people could do now. As I mentioned before, I could at least have Gren respond to Billion and Forscythe. Just got to find the drive to give Gren life again.