Most everyone is gathered outside the front of the tavern fighting a single vampire that is for some reason really hard to kill, except for Thinslayer, Gingerboi, and my character, who are by a gypsy wagon a few dozen yards away, around the side of the tavern where gypsy wagons are parked (making that part up since in a previous post, i said D'ren was at the back of the tavern). Aspie plays a barbarian seeking the Mad God's Loki's servant, a crazy elven mage/jester. Aspie also plays both of those. Hating both parties is my character, The Infamous (D'ren), who wants to enslave or kill everyone for the sheer enjoyment of it. However, the jester/mage teleported D'ren into a swamp with no clothes on and took his powers. D'ren will eventually have to team up with the "heroes" (I'm not sure I can use that word loosely enough...) to attack the magical elven jester and either get his powers back or kill it. There are other things, like backstories, but if someone else wants to elaborate on all that, they can. The main thing to keep in mind, is we are all right outside of a tavern.