Simply put, his enemy could not have given him a better opening. Brennus was advancing directly behind his shield, and the man had opened himself up by wasting time with an unnecessary effort swinging a chain at nothing more than a diversion. As the chain swung into his shield it would be out of position to defend the man as Brennus passed over into leading with his right foot, shooting his spear forward in a vicious jab at the man’s lower torso. A gut shot would put him in good stead to end the fight quickly, and with a long pointy stick to cover the range, there was naught the man could do about it this late as he had chosen not to move from his position. Brennus did not really have any reason to fear a two and a half foot of chain while he held a six foot spear in his hands, so immediately after attempting to put the end of his spear in the man’s body, he’d retract the weapon and swap footing, ready to launch the series of thrusts that would end the fight.