[center][color=bdaf17][b][h1]July 29[sup]th[/sup], 2371[/h1][/b][/color][h3][b][color=bdaf17]8:01AM[/color][/b] [sub][i][color=bdaf17]Royal Family ETA:[/color] 35 Hours[/i][/sub][/h3][/center][hr][hr] [@Nallore] Asking around doesn't bear much fruit, at least initially. Most of the answers received amount to "never seen her." An understandable reaction given how big the city is and how small a needle in the proverbial haystack. Just when it appeared as though this route of information collection would be a bust, somebody's eyes lit up in recognition for a fraction of a second before they looked away, mumbling about how they don't recognize her. The person in question was a short, middle-aged woman of average build hanging around outside a grocery store. She didn't appear to be especially dirty, and was pretty stable mentally from what little interaction he'd had with her. [@Lady Amalthea] The news this morning was the same as it always was. A lot of blood and fear-mongering that drew in attention for profit, at the expense of journalistic integrity. All that intercut with segments of dull banter between cardboard personalities and the most important part of any news program: the weather. Sure, one could just check on their phone, but somehow weather reports and new reports were still linked together. Speaking of which, it was looking like sunny weather for the next week, with a heat wave coming in starting Saturday. As she was cleaning up her sister's mess, Sunie just happened to spot something hiding underneath a table. If fished out from its hiding spot, she'd find a dirty piece of neatly folded paper. Based on the amount of grime and fade accumulated, it would have to be a few months old at least.