[@Lord of Evil][@Kiwiwiwi] Natasha went from disinterested to downright disappointed, [b]"I have no interest in wasting precious energy on these two, besides, you seem to be handling them pretty well."[/b] she eyed the fifth man to appear, [i]Great...[/i] she thought. At the sound of sirens she chuckled, [b]"That's my cue, have fun with the cops and robbers, boys."[/b] she said. She brought her hand up to her brow, saluting them. She jumped up on a crate and then to the fire escape, just barely making it. She pulled herself upwards as the iron ladder groaned and lowered slightly under her weight. She dashed up the fire escape, her gloves falling from her packet. She grabbed for them, and missed, [i]Ahh... I only get so much luck...[/i] she thought, [i]I'll get a new pair.[/i] she dashed to the top of the building. She didn't wait to see if anyone was following her as she stopped, the horn had stopped and there was more than one place bustling with sirens, what would she do now?