Mark stood in front of the mirror in his quarters. Or rather [url=]one of his avatars[/url] stood in front of the mirror constantly adjusting its outfit while his original body lay unconscious on the bed, his higher brain functions currently controlling the android avatar. Halla walked by in [url=]her civilian attire[/url] which was made of the hides of some of the creatures she had killed. "Something wrong, Mark?" she asked. "Maybe." he replied with a now female voice. "I just upgraded this body's sense of touch, and now this clothing is too uncomfortable. Maybe I made it too sensitive?" "Or maybe it's because you are wearing leather without underwear." she responded. "Just because this body can't chafe doesn't mean your clothes can't be uncomfortable." "You're right. I guess I've never worn leather before." said Mark. "Can I borrow some underwear then?" "I'm .3 meters taller than this avatar." she said. "They wouldn't fit, and mine have a tail hole." Mark nodded. "Shopping trip then?" Halla agreed, so they stopped by the science lab, where Qo was busy with the chemical synthesizer he had just bought. "We're heading into the station." Mark said, sticking his head in the door. "Anything you need?" "Yes." Qo responded. "Synthetic neurotransmitters, preferably with a good bit of acetylcholine. I can't manufacture them of a high enough quality with this equipment." Mark looked puzzled. "What do you need neurotransmitters for?" "For making Psyonic activators." Qo responded matter-of-fact. "Uh, you do know that all psyonic activators are either restricted or illegal in this system, right?" "Yes." Qo said flatly. Mark shook his head. "Ok, then, but if I have to deal with the black market, you're making me some Empathy." Qo agreed, and Mark and Halla left for a cheaper sector of the bazaar, where people tended to ask fewer questions. They used the docking hatch to leave the ship, though, as the teleporter wasn't really needed.