Appearance:[img][/img] Name: Zahra Eldad Age: 16 Gem: Bloodstone Power: Blood- She can clot blood, and smell it, and make shapes/messages with it in puddles of it. Poison- She is good at making poisons and antidotes. Bio: Zahra Eldad was born into a non-English speaking house. She speaks Hebrew, which was her first language. When she was 6, her house burnt down, with her mom, dad, and older twin siblings inside. When the fire department found their bodies, they were burned almost beyond recognition. She weent from foster home to foster home, always trying to stay cheery, but she has some bad days where she's snappish and could even be considered rude. After the cheery thing didn't work out, Zahra just decided to start being shy. Eventually, she found a foster home she likes, and lives there. Zahra considers them her real family. Nowadays, Zahra works in a hospital. She knows what it looks like when people lose someone. For her, that's the hardest part. On the other hand, she always gets the 'Pat on the Back' award, which recognizes people who are good at comforting others.