[center][h1][b]Wall Maria: Shiganshina District[/b][/h1][/center] [center][@Solace][@QT][@LordVoldemort][@HecateProxy][@FrostedCaramel][@LetMeDoStuff][@Ambra][@Jinxer][@Aquanthe][/center] [center]<<<------------------------------>>>[/center] [h3][i][center]And just like that, everything changed.[/center][/i][/h3] [center]A sudden flash of light came crashing down, parting the clouds as it struck the feeble earth underneath in an unparalleled manner. The ground trembled for kilometers, forcing the residents of Shiganshina to erupt slightly off their feet. Time halted as residents gathered in attention towards the direction of impact, questioning the paranormal. A cloud of pure dust began to form over the wall, obstructing visibility of half the sun and sending a section of the district into darkness. Though fear did not arise until the hand of God met the vertex of the walls that were created for the opposite. Trepidation brought wide eyes and silence as the crowds trembled without control. Over the wall, a pair of eyes glared into souls of every citizen, striping them of their secrets and their lies. The mouth of the being radiated heat over the entire district as it's skull choked away the rest of the sunshine. The sudden gelid temperature made men quiver involuntarily in their stillness. The soles of their feet frozen to the pavement they were meant to walk on. Some eyes producing tears that solidified halfway down their faces.[/center] [h3][i][center]"RRRUUUUUUNNNNNNN!!!!"[/center][/i][/h3] [center]Civilians shrieked with incomparable distress, sounding the alarms that a titan had breached the wall. The bells oscillated with haste to put equivalency to the manner at hand. However, the attempts of the humans were no match against the Colossal Titan! Planting its left foot and loading the other, it began its assault on humanity. Pulling his right foot backwards to strike, it now held on to the wall with both hands. Its glutes and hamstrings, as well as the adductors, controlled its hips for power. Its hamstrings and quads flexed and extend its knees as the plantar flexors cocked its ankles for the final impact. With lower back muscles stabilizing its trunk, the towering titan sprung back with its leg and blasted a hole right through the wall. Debris started towards the district, floating above the heads of the fleeing poor. Pieces of the wall rained down like meteors, caving in all of Shiganshina's once glamorous scenery. The wind force generated by the Colossal's kick was enough to send human's airborne. Bodies plummeted against stone and wood, breaking and shattering bone, tainting the streets with graffiti of blood. Families witnessed their loved ones die without cause, unable to act before their sudden demise. Women and children lay still on the roads that led towards the inner walls. The least affected area was that closer to the gates that connected Shiganshina and Wall Maria. Although not for long as titans up to fifteen meters in size began their descent against the populace. Shiganshina had now become a feasting ground of sheep for the wolves that roamed the day.[/center] [center][i]The war against the titans had begun.[/i][/center]