"Just goes to show how ignorant you are. Fortunately for you, I couldn't detect any Ki near the Pharie meteor. Seems the northeners had cleared out already. A shame really." Geode tapped the orb [b]embedded[/b] in his palm again. "And I'll have you know, my hearing is very good. You won't be taking my orb any time soon." Geode looked back at the heroes and the room lit up, revealing 12 immobile humanoid golems, their cores cracked and darkened. Amoung them were gol Ira, with his core sliced in two, and Gol-ino. "I would advise you cease your idiotic transgressions at once. Otherwise I'll detonate Kefaros' meteor next. Now, where was that one?.. Ah! Yes, I remember," Geode taunted Jenso and rose his left hand, projecting a picture of the caverns in Diver's paradise. "Calombo."