"We didn't even get fish. The bastards above us got plenty but we only got stuff from the countryside. And they weren't even warriors, isn't that screwed up? We're noble fighters and they weren't even soldiers, they were just fat nobles with some influence. I mean who has ever heard of a Saiyan noble that couldn't fight?" Especially when their people were known pretty much for being warriors and nothing else it made absolutely no sense. Maybe his father wasn't the best person to use as an example, he was way past his prime, but his mother still had taken on regular missions until they had all left Kortal. Come to think of it too he should go and see his folks, not because he missed them but because he was curious about what was going on back on Kortal. The King had probably long since revoked their status but he was wondering how other noble families were getting on. "It depends on what I can do on Earth. I'm not settling into some mediocre job like you two, I'm destined for a lot more than that. Maybe I'll get a government position, or I can join their military. Humans really aren't all that powerful so I'm sure they'd give me a spot in a heartbeat. Then again their fighting is so boring..." Aside from the whole finding a decent position on Earth there were certainly worse planets one could settle on. Kabocha had of course considered too returning to Kortal and taking up a seat somewhere once Yamate was gone. But there wasn't an awful lot to rule on Kortal and the world itself was largely unremarkable, not inhospitable but nothing special either. Earth it was then. ---------- June was frustrated that there wasn't anything she could do to help Viral. He was so visibly in distress and yet for all her desire to help Viral was right, she was all but useless to him. "It does matter... People are supposed to help one another with their pain, even if they can't fix it. No one should be made to suffer alone Viral." Sharing the pain helped even if the people you shared it with couldn't necessarily make it better. Wasn't knowing that someone cared enough to listen to you and at least empathize worth something in of itself? Seeing that she wasn't going to get anywhere with her insistence June smiled sadly and gave a slight nod as she got to her feet, returning to the food to see how it was coming along. "Well we'll be having dinner shortly, even if you're not hungry you're both more than welcome to stay of course. I know Shu's been asking after you Yumi." The poor little boy wanted someone to play with and not to be doing all the tests that Aito was conducting. They were necessary but her husband was forgetting Shu was really just a child and needed to be given time to have fun and relax, not be cooped up and drilled with tests. As she began stirring a pot of vegetables June heard the front door open and set down the spoon, going to the family room and smiling at Aito who was making his way in. "Welcome home, you finished early." "Yeah... The doctors insisted we let Shu and Takeshi go for the day so we did, which means my entire day just opened up," Aito answered in disappointment, sighing as he closed the door and removed his jacket, "What am I supposed to do for an entire afternoon? I don't have a lab here to work with, the rebels won't let me use theirs and our ship isn't stocked well enough. I suppose I could go train..." But with who? Training on one's own was certainly an option but it was dreadfully boring, and it was impossible to measure your own strength without a partner. Oblivious to the nervous look on his wife's face he went directly to the kitchen and past the table, not noticing anyone else was even in the room until he grabbed a drink and began to sip at it. Staring at Yumi and Viral over the rim of the cup he silently finished before smiling, giving a half wave as he set his cup in the sink. "Welcome home you two, I didn't know you'd come back today," Aito said casually, "How are things? How did the mission go?" ---------- "You'd like to learn an instrument? Well... There are plenty of people back at the palace who could teach you. Or I'm sure one of your friends might know something. I never knew you wanted to learn an instrument though, you should have said something. And everyone is bad when they start something new, you'll get better the more you do it. You weren't exactly an excellent warrior when we started training years ago but now I couldn't be prouder," Yusef added with a short laugh, "If you want to learn an instrument I'm sure you'll do fine. But no playing the ones here, I don't imagine they'd be too happy if you tried." Ushering the children up stairs Yusef was pleased to find the displays up here nowhere near as crowded, making access to the spots they wanted far easier. The instruments were clearly labeled and there was an entire wall dedicated to their display, multiple types hung up and others placed carefully around the museum floor, roped off from wandering hands. Stringed instruments, refined bones and skulls, drums, ridged sticks and things Yusef couldn't even begin to guess how they worked, it was quite interesting to see. Music played a large role in their many festivals but anything their musicians used was much more modern and refined, he'd never seen where many had originated from. "I imagine other worlds have different instruments still. Imagine trying to learn so many..." The Kaesstrian mused, folding his hands behind his back as he read some inscriptions, "You could spend your entire life trying and maybe never learn them all there's so many." Haku couldn't imagine ever trying to learn an instrument, it seemed like it would take so long to even become remotely good at it. Especially looking at some of Kaesstra's instruments it was pretty obvious none were designed for people like him with only two arms, he couldn't even figure out how he'd hold some of them save maybe the drums. "I bet there's s-someone on Uuonoe who could teach you. There's all kids of p-p-people there, so there's got to be at least one m-musician, right?" Maybe he should pick up some kind of hobby for himself too, but what would he be any good at? Should he learn an instrument alongside T'charrl? He'd never really had the luxury of free time so he'd never gotten a hobby but Haku would love to be able to do something fun for himself. "O-Or... There's other stuff you can do t-too... Like making things, there's l-l-lots of craftsmen on Uuonoe too! O-Or uh..." he mumbled as he trailed off, brow furrowing as he tried to think of what else he'd seen. Cooking? What else did people do for fun? He'd seen the Princes run around playing tag but he'd hardly call that a hobby.