Lunise's packing up was halted as soon as magic started coursing through Meesei before she teleported. The spell itself succeeded in making Lunise pause and stare for a time. Her frown deepened. However, instead of speaking, she exhaled from her nose and continued stowing the documents away. Meesei's words gave her enough time to secure the documents neatly in a sturdy lock box and turn a small key to shut it. One spell later from Lunise's fingertips and the documents would not see the light of day until another spell was used to open them. Only then did Lunise plant both her palms on the desk, leaning forward, and address Meesei across from her. "I will stop hiding this, Meesei, for my intentions have been mistaken." Her head angled forward sternly. "I have isolated myself before. I have lived what you describe. This is not me falling into that particular trap again." She closed her eyes. A sharp breath in and out punctuated frustration. "I will repeat: [i]My[/i] magic cannot take me halfway across Tamriel. Something I have learned in my profession is not to be lead anywhere I cannot get out from in time. I want to trust you, Meesei, I do, but the risk of you leaving me wherever your magic takes us is too great while I have these documents with me. They are valuable to any that wish to destabilise the Dominion." Another frustrated breath. She looked pained. "I need you to understand. I cannot do this."