[center][url=http://fontmeme.com/celtic-fonts/][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/170514/806df5a24a6e0153aa9d9095cbc41087.png[/img][/url] [url=http://fontmeme.com/celtic-fonts/][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/170514/8d04af51afb0c3f718a56f44921aeeb2.png[/img][/url] [hr][hr][/center] [indent][indent]A pair of chariots pulled by mutated animals raced ahead in the desert roads, the shining city of New Vegas just on the horizon. Behind them was a large armored RV pulling along an equally large trailer that had the Sun of Vesyan painted proudly on it, banners boasting of the lands such a mighty metal beast hailing from blew in the dry winds. This was no vehicle which the Confederation could field normally, it was being “requisitioned” from a group of travelers who came to the lands with hedonistic hopes that were currently being more than fulfilled by the Bombshell ambassador to this “New Vegas Conference” in the back with great enthusiasm and loudness. It was a historic moment for the Vesyanians, this would be their first “official” interaction with other major players of the wastelands of America as a somewhat major player. No longer did they have regional and local influence, known only in legend, but their name was known far and wide. It was like a birth of a new nation or a baptism of sorts and every difficulty they had along this arduous journey only strengthened the party’s resolve. More than a dozen men and women had joined the weeklong expedition to the mythical city of New Vegas, a land said to contain the pleasures of the world and equal amounts of opulence, luxury and women. No Vesyanian believed that. Their own lands had the same things that the desert city offered and probably done much better. In reality, the Vesyanians on the trip had low expectations for New Vegas but where amazed enough at the sight of it if not only due to excessive amount of light and sound it had. Few places in Confederation lands could boast such levels of technology as to not only produce so much light, but produce even the basic infrastructure needed for that much light. Even the capital of the confederation was dwarfed by it and enthralled the delegation as they rolled down the Strip, attracting much attention due to their unique attire. “Remember your duties Bequine,” an expensive skin powder was dabbed on to the delegate’s face as she wiped away some white goo that lingered on her cheek, “Don’t get distracted and keep your composure. You can let loose after we’re done with official business and then you can show those tarts at the Gamora how to really get attention.” “Yes, yes, I know. Ankara” Bequine yawned as she looked at the people who they were borrowing the vehicle from, all passed out in with stupid smiles on their faces, “There was a reason [i]I[/i] was selected for this.” Ankara looked at the woman with a suspicious eye. “Beyond the fact I bore two of the Sapa Vesyan’s children.” “Mhm… sure. Just don’t get distracted.” the final bits of preparation where complete as Ankara dabbed two black dots followed by a line under each of the delegate’s eyes and prepared her feather headdress, “There we go, perfect.” With a nod, Bequine climbed out of the back of the truck, flanked by two Studs with thermal lances and handguns to act as bodyguards for the delegate. No one’s outfit left much to the information and thanks to an “outfit” specifically designed for the conference, many, many eyes were on Bequine as she walked up to the Ultra Lux, allowing for her exaggerated movements to do the speaking for her before the doors burst open before her. “The delegation from the Vesyanian Confederation has arrived.” Bequine smiled seductively and confidently as all eyes turned to her and blushed instantly, some averting their gaze from their own cultural sensibilities. Perhaps this wasn’t the way she was supposed to do it, but back home it was customary to announce your presence whenever you came into a meeting,[/indent][/indent]