OK, read the lore, the players' sheets and the captains sheet as well. As well as the beginning of the story :) I have a fairly good picture of the world. I have some ideas about what I want my character to be. So of the top of my head and as a basic sketch... I would like her to be from the Reflection Isle, just because the idea of a ruling Lady appeals to my matriarchal sole *grin* Her mother would be the personal physician of the Lady of The Reflection Isle. Ever since she was very little she would have wanted to follow in her mother's footsteps and be a healer so her mother would have started training her in the arts of medicine early on. Also due to her mother's close relationship with the Lady, she would be very close with her daughter and son and often train with them in swordsmanship, archery, horse riding etc. This is just the most basic of basics. To continue I would like to ask some more in-depth questions about the world. 1. How long ago would you say the Marran Empire conquered Arrylia? If the Reflection Isle is the only hold that resisted the Marran conquest are the two still at war with each other? 2. It's true that medicine in the 17th century isn't all that much but still we could say that there was western medicine /based on science and experimentation/ and eastern medicine /herbalism, acupuncture, a lil' bit of mysticism thrown in for good measure/. At some point in her history /I'm contemplating a traumatic event/ she would find herself rescued by a group of people with whom she will stay and learn eastern medicine. So here's the question. Would you say that the Reflection Isle could represent a "western country", and which of the countries in the world as you've envisioned it would represent an "eastern country"? 3. About the traumatic event. I was thinking at some point in her studies her mother would send her out as a healer on Reflection Isle merchant ships to expand her knowledge in emergency medicine. At one point the ship she serves on would be attacked /by who would be where I would need your help/ and forced to serve as medic on slaver ships and even often times forced to torture the slaves using her knowledge in anatomy and upon her ultimate and constant refusal she would be whipped and often beaten unto an inch of her life, left to tend to her own wounds. At this point she would meet her eastern saviors and a new leg of her journey would begin. I would like the rescuers to be akin to shinobi/ninja type of group with whom she would train in eastern medicine and also adopt their style of combat. 4. I am also not sure how to go about and have her end up as a candidate for the crew of the ship /should you approve my character in the first place :)/ She would be 35-something. Well past her wild years. Scarred both inside and out by her traumatic experience with the slavers. And as a healer at heart would be well removed from any activity that would cause harm. Although far from pacifistic and lawful, since she understands the demands of survival, she would be against any unnecessary and uncalled for injustice. In short, I would need some input on how to go about incorporating her into a merry band of pirates and ruffians, that have already set sail on top of that :) Also she wouldn't be completely unfamiliar with sailing, because she would be raised on an island and due to her experience with serving as a doctor on the merchant ships, but as far as any other task on the ship that wouldn't pertain to her healer duties, she would be most comfortable as a lookout and I have an idea why :) OK, I'll stop now, because if I write some more, I would actually have to write a complete character sheet :)