[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/6DBP0Y1.jpg?1[/img] [color=PaleGoldenrod] [h1] Sakem Ba [/h1] [/color] Sakem hummed at the question he was asked. "[color=PaleGoldenrod]Well, I have nowhere else to go for now, so sure![/color]" Sakem said before he walked out into the open. He had a good feeling about how this would turn out. Well, good for him at least. His head snapped straight to the newcomer, Elyria, the moment she spoke. What he saw was quite a surprise for him, although it was mostly due to the rare hair color she possessed. He couldn't help but give a quiet chuckle when she said that she has been watching them for a while and asked who he was. "[color=PaleGoldenrod]I go by the name Sakem Ba. It is most definitely a pleasure to meet you all.[/color]" [/center]