Orion came to a hesitant halt at the sight of a bloodied young woman emerging from the building a few yards in front of him. Her question was of even further confusion. Injured college kids and winged horses were far from the kind of help he had been banking on, but Mitch was bleeding. He looked the girl up and down: She was covered in gore, but whether it was hers or somebody else's was another question entirely. He glanced back at the horse, still flashing words across its side. Then back to the woman, trying to at least place where the blood looked like it was coming from. If his partner were not literally bleeding out in his arms, he may have stopped and reflected on how much stranger the Ash was turning out to be than they could have imagined. [color=8C6868]"I heard- [i]read?[/i]- you the first time. I'm not putting her on an Erubescan animal. Go back to you Knight,"[/color] he commanded, stepping away and toward the woman. He was talking to a damn horse. He imagined that whatever radio its handlers were using to direct it were having a decent laugh at his expense. He then turned his attention back to the woman, looking her over. She had little blood of her hands, and what was on her clothing was more soak than splatter. Perhaps it was hers? Or with more luck, she was a medic. But a rough guess at blood stain patterns was little to go off of. He heard another explosion behind him. [color=8C6868]"She's hurt,"[/color] he said, his voice hoarse but even as he stated the obvious, [color=8C6868]"Do you have any medical supplies? Or know of a healer? Or..."[/color]