[center][color=8493ca][h2]Silas Asara[/h2][/color][/center] As the purple haired girl once more emerged from the safety of her knees Silas couldn't help but feel accomplished as a grin spread across his face. He'd managed to pull the girl out of her self-imposed isolation not once, but twice, and this whole encounter had definitely been one of the most interesting things that had happened today. [color=DDA0DD][b]”Je m'appelle Zafiriel Marie Louise de Grantaine. Heureux de faire votre connaissance – wait. No.”[/b][/color] The sudden slew of words spoken so rapidly and with almost mechanical precision from the formerly silent girl left Silas stunned, How the hell did someone take a simple question like "What's your name?" and come back with... with all of THAT! Silas' attention was quickly diverted however, as he caught a glimpse of white, wispy steam trailing off into the air. He pondered as to where the source of the vapour was as the girl spoke once more. [color=DDA0DD][b]”Zafi”, ”Don’t worry. I am not broken.”[/b][/color] [color=8493ca][i]Well that's certainly easier to remember than Zafiriel Mary Louis de whatever the hell.[/i][/color] Silas thought to himself as he cracked a snide grin... Which was quickly knocked of his face by a blast of something wet, the same steam from before. Not wanting to force Zafi back into seclusion, he merely waved the steam out of the way, albeit a little violently. [color=8493ca]" Steam..."[/color] The sudden burst of vapour reminded Silas of something he had been practicing, quite excitedly Silas announced. [color=8493ca]Zafi, check this out!"[/color] he frantically shuffled in place in order to grab a water bottle he had with him from earlier. Carefully, Silas poured a small amount of water into the palm of his hand as he sat up and began to concentrate. At first the water was unresponsive, and calm, but as Silas began to focus more and more, the water slowly and gradually began to respond, coalescing into a long thin shape, akin to a worm or snake. The newly formed "snake" then slowly began moving in the direction of Silas's extended fingers, clinging to the side of his index finger as it gradually writhed it's way to the underside of his finger only to emerge on the other side, as the "snake" finished coiling itself around his finger. He held this position for a few seconds, before cupping his other hand underneath the serpent and releasing his hold on the water. The snake quickly lost it's form and fell with a soft splash into his waiting hand. Silas leaned back against the wall and took a deep breath before asking [color=8493ca]"What did you think of that? If THAT didn't make it obvious I'm a water elementalist. But that's enough of my bragging... for now, anyway what kind of elementalist are you Zafi? "[/color] [@Aiyanna]