[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/5skeU8f.png[/img] [h3][color=CEF2FE]Reothadh[/color][/h3][/center] As the words left Burning Blossom’s mouth, Reothadh’s grip tightened around his sword. Was this girl for real? Did she really think all men were just sex crazed pigs? At that moment all he wanted he was to wipe the floor with her. Wouldn’t do much to change her mind, but it sure would feel good to shut her up. Then she offered the bet. Winner gets to make the loser do anything eh? Perfect! Now he had a chance to prove he wasn’t after sex. All he had to do was beat her and request something completely nonsexua despite her implicationsl. Before he could accept, however, Blossom went right ahead and kicked things off, sending a pair of lightning bolts straight at the Tundra knight. Seeing both bolts coming at either side, Reothadh quickly rolled forward toward the bolts. Just as he hit the ground the bolts soared over his head completely missing him. Stopping on his feet Reothadh brought himself off the ground with an upward slice sending a frost wave straight at Blossom as he yelled, [color=CEF2FE]”Ya know what? DEAL!”[/color] [@KoL]