"I-I see..." Kanako replied. So the part about dying horribly was not really that much of a joke at all? She knew this school would be different from the normal non-elementalists schools she had attended but this was certainly too much for her common sense. Kanako began writing the speech as she was instructed. She ended up writing something really formal that didn't really suit the professor's fiery nature, but it was just what came naturally to her mind. Of course, she still had to add the shed part but instead of outright threatening the students with a horrible death, she instead changed it to "forbidden due to how dangerous it might be". It still sounded quite grim, but it's better than before, at the very least. And as she wrote, she had to consult with the professor about the details as she really didn't know anything about the academy's history, faculty names and discplines, classes, etc. "And that's it," she said once she felt she was finished. "How about this, Professor?" she asked him. "Would this be sufficient?" [@Kalleth]