With the morning she was having, PE seemed like just the thing. Not freshman PE, that living nightmare. Not being forced to play team sports with a wide range of ungainly or overbearing teenagers. That sort of thing Victoria had taken years ago, and crossed it right off her prerequisite list. This was an optional one, more general fitness. Even calling it a 'class' was a bit of a stretch; they were supervised, of course, and had to meet the fitness goals they set in order to maintain a decent grade... But it largely consisted of turning the class loose in the fitness facilities. Weight machines, running track, free weights, all the facilities a decent high school needed. Most of the students took it for the excuse to lift weights or get in shape. In her opinion, a period a day dedicated to fitness was the perfect thing for a vampire hunter. So she left the library in relative silence, letting the things she had seen and heard bounce around in her head. Try and understand it. The walk to the locker rooms was quick, as was the process of changing into clothes better suited for gym. They may have made Dana scowl in their simplicity, but fashion wasn't really a priority for gym class. She let the usual inane chatter of the girls around her float right past her ears, not paying it a moment's mind. The rumors about who was dating who, or who said what about whom behind their back, meant less than nothing to her. It was frankly astounding that such obliviousness existed. Any one of these girls could be a vampire's quarry that night, or any of their friends may have the previous night, and they just didn't realize. Or if they [i]did[/i] perceive even the slightest thing out of the ordinary they chose to close their eyes all the harder. People just didn't see what they didn't want to see. Their little bubble of normalcy was nicer. Even she had one, if she was honest. Hers had gotten popped too when entirely unknown factors started introducing themselves. Those factors were what had gotten under her skin, truthfully. A quick mile run to get the blood pumping was ample time to think about it. Pierce had always been more than he let on, and clearly more at that. But no one ever pressed him. What he gave was useful, and no one really seemed concerned about him. Maybe they should've been paying closer attention. Still, it was the Slayer that had her concern. It wasn't surprising that some of their number thought she was the coolest thing since sliced bread. Anything that could take out a vampire like that was [i]bound[/i] to get Casey hyped, for sure. And others felt like they should give her a chance. If she was an asset, great. But no one had any influence over her. Even Pierce didn't seem to, and he was the only one who knew what was up. The look on her face from the night before kept popping to the forefront of her mind, jarring whenever she tried to think of the innocuous girl that she'd seen that morning. Her frown deepened while she turned her attention to a punching bag, breaking the silence for the first time while she started to take out her stresses on it with each punch. "What do you think, Dana?"