A stronger sense of curiosity tugged on the edges of Cinead's consciousness for a moment and he briefly wondered if he was again sensing what Anna was feeling. The sensation faded by the time they made it back to the car however, overridden by what he thought might be excitement. Blinking thoughtfully, the dragon shifter quietly went around to the passenger side of the car, Anna having beaten him to opening her door first, and fluidly got inside. He buckled himself in, ignoring the scratchy sensation the seatbelt had against his skin and glanced towards his new mate , Curiosity coloring his expression. She was twisted around in her seat, backing up the car slowly. He thought she looked happy. All of a sudden, she turned her face in his direction and quite deliberately planted a kiss on the end of his nose before plopping back down into her seat and acting as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened. He couldn't help it. He laughed. "Oh Anna. If only I could hear your thoughts and know what is going on in your mind right now." He said musingly, reaching out and taking one of her hands in his.