[hr][hr] [center][color=cyan][h1]Kristina Smith[/h1][/color] [img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/degrassi/images/d/de/Fifi_eyes.gif/revision/latest?cb=20130416210101[/img] [i]Location: Building 7 (Rec Center)[/I] [/center] [hr][hr] Kristina looked up at the night sky for a moment as Niesha spoke looking up always reminded her of the times she spent with her sister. Sitting on the roof of their father's farm house before her parents ended up divorcing each other they always did that while were younger and just talked about the future. She then turned her attention back towards Niesha remembering the first day that Niesha came to Newnan, and then the day that she lost Sophia. [color=cyan]"I know at times it is pretty hard just talking about things like that, but you aren't alone either."[/color] Kris said giving Niesha a soft smile, she at times did enjoy just having sometime alone to just think and not be around with anyone else. The weeks that followed after her sister's death she wanted to simply be left alone, but things slowly started to get better over time. Then Niesha asked her a question, and started to think it over in her head it really depended on if it was something that could affect the whole community or if it was just something very little. [color=cyan]"It really depends on what it is that you found out. I'd just go and ask the person about it straight up, but that's what I would do anyway."[/color] Kristina answered giving Niesha a friendly smile for a moment it started to wonder if Niesha knew something or not. [color=cyan]"Do you know something?"[/color] Kris finally asked her friend, which started to get her very curious about it now on what Niesha meant by her question. [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=B0C4DE]Riley Ridgeway[/color][/h1] [img]http://24.media.tumblr.com/8390c99afc24f4effd97eb7da3d5b84a/tumblr_mrhdkoXVc31rnldgeo1_500.gif[/img] [I]Location: Building 7 (Rec Center)[/i][/center] [hr][hr] Riley turned her head to look at Amelia seeing her reaction for suddenly snatching up her drink, which made her start to laugh ever so slightly, it was kind of a cute little reaction from her. [color=B0C4DE]"Sorry, I really thought that you were actually done with it."[/color] Riley said softly, she also felt slightly bad for stealing it from her friend. [color=B0C4DE]"I could get you a new one or we could share the rest of mine if you want?"[/color] Riley offered to Amelia, Riley went to take another bite out from her plate. Riley's mind started to slowly trail off wondering if Chloe her sister was alright, she did walk out of the rec center with Ryan not that Riley didn't trust Chloe with him. She looked over at Amelia for a moment, and gave Amelia and Meg a quick smile as she stood up pushing her chair aside. [color=B0C4DE]"I'll be right back, i'm going to check up on my sister. But i'll be back before the dancing starts."[/color] Riley gave Amelia a quick hug as well as Meg. Riley started to make her way out of the Rec Center making her way past Tiffany and Ray as they both came back, she gave them both a slight nod and smile. As she stepped out into the cold once more, there were three major roads in the inner wall she looked down Jefferson Street for the most part it was bare aside from whoever was trading off their shift to go to the reception. Riley didn't see Chloe there, she cut between the armory and Apartment E to Lagrange Street, she looked up and down for a moment and eventually Riley spotted Chloe heading south. Riley started making her way over towards Chloe, and realized she didn't see Ryan with her. [color=B0C4DE]"Are you okay Chloe, why aren't you with Ryan?"[/color] Riley asked as she managed to catch up to her twin. [center][h1][color=f08080]Meghna Kumar[/color][/h1] [img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mcemv69Ck01rwt71l.gif[/img] [i]Location: Building 7 (Rec Center)[/I][/center] [hr][hr] Meg looked up at Riley as she excused herself as well, raising her eyebrow slightly just leaving her and Amelia to sit together she turned her head to look at Amelia and gave her friend a smile. [color=f08080]"I'm sure that the cake will be completely amazing."[/color] Meg said as she took a drink and then a bite out of her food. Meg leaned back in her seat as she looked around the room as everyone continued to enjoy themselves she quickly turned back to Amelia. [color=f08080]"Riley will be back i'm sure, she probably just wont to check and see if Chloe is alright or something."[/color] Meg reassured Amelia. Then Amelia mentioned the weather, Meg wondered that slightly herself it had been snowing for quiet awhile now it was also pretty weird to have snow this far south as well. But she wasn't a weather man, all she knew was that it is still going to be pretty cold until the weather warmed up. [color=f08080]"I'm not sure, maybe a few more weeks or so?"[/color] Meghna said giving a slight shrug as she took another bite. [color=f08080]"So you and Riley a thing or something?"[/color] Meg finally asked Amelia slightly curious if they were together or not, since they were dates for the wedding after all.