[@YoshiSkittlez]This looks pretty rad. I've been pecking away at a character for a moment, something like a street racer turned UPS driver but for crooks. I do have a few questions, though! 1)How are the districts setup? Like, is 0 in the center and they kind of spiral out from there, or is 0 on the East side with 20 being on the West? 2)How are the districts in the same Zone divided? Is it like neighborhoods in the city, where all you have to do is walk across the railroad tracks or cross over the bridge, or are things a bit more complicated with things like walls and security checkpoints? 3)In the same line of thought, how is travelling from Zone Beta to Zone Alpha? Do you just flash a pass and hop on a train 4)How long have District 11, 18, 19, & 20 been under lock down? Weeks? Months? Years? 5)What is the world outside like? Do people still live outside? Do they try to get into New Ancora? 6)If they still got Starbucks, they still gotta have Dunkin' right? Right!? [@Ghost Shadow][url=https://youtu.be/o7BtSPDuGJc?t=13]Lenny's got an augmented arm? Wait, does that mean...[/url]