[center][h1][color=lightgreen]Anthony Ryder[/color][/h1] [img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m64uoyetGy1r9413r.gif[/img][/center] [hr][hr] After going around asking some of the homeless, and the poorer looking people Anthony closed his eyes letting out a slightly defeated sigh. Sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn't, he was usually pretty good at trying to get any kind of information out of people Anthony started to head over towards a grocery store Anthony was asking a few of the people there as they went about their shopping as usual. Then he bumped into a short middle aged woman, when he showed her the photo on his phone he instantly took notice when the woman's face lit up, then she went silent and mumbling that she didn't recognize her. The woman did know her in some way, he then started to search through his pockets eventually he pulled out his wallet along with all of the cash on him. [color=lightgreen]"Maybe a little bit of money could jog your memory miss, I could help you out ya know get you whatever you need. All I need is just her name, and maybe if you know where she is. I can give you some more money as well."[/color] Anthony gave her the offer hoping that she would at least give him a little bit of information on Leonard's secret lover as he continued to jokingly thought more of them being together.