The bartender didn't even bat an eye at the newcomer's explosive entrance. He pressed a button behind the bar and a small drone-like robot popped in from a door in the back. It went straight to work fixing the floor, using its Alchemy-powered crane arms. It won't take longer than a minute. In the meantime, John beamed his most welcoming smile and said his most well-practised words, "Welcome to the Restaurant at the End of the Universe. An amarula, you say?" He put the cloth he was using to clean down and glanced at the lines of bottles behind him. Their shapes and the marks stamped on them, if you notice at all, constantly shift in subtle ways. "I'm sure it's here somewhere. Just relax for now. You've had quite a day, haven't you?" His sort-of friend the dragon blob popped in just as he went to look for the right bottle. John sighed. "Hello, Zig. She's a newcomer. Please don't bother her... too much." The bottle was right there in a corner, [i]Amarula[/i]. He filled a glass and served it to the newcomer. "Here you go. I hope it's to your liking, Miss." He turned to the amoeba. "And what would you have?"