[b]Tartys[/b] The angel held her breath for a moment, the tension palpable in the air as Miyu raced over to get whatever that thing was to back down before more of her home got destroyed. With the thing backing away she was more than willing to relax, her weapon and armor dismissed. Hopefully she was right on being able to control that thing, otherwise this would be very bloody very fast. "I...see," she replied with a touch of uncertainty, looking between Miyu and the robot. "It's alright, I imagine that this would be a bit distracting for anyone. Though are you sure it isn't working for the Machina?" Getting your body filled with nanites sounded like the perfect set up for them to seize control of your body, kill you, or use you as a surveillance device. She wouldn't put it against those soulless cans to pull such a trick. [@Inner Demon][@The 42nd Gecko] [hr] [b]Tatiana +2[/b] The bar fight continued without an end in sight, though to Tatiana's relief it seemed like Hohenheim was happy just watching the chaos and turning idiots into furniture rather than hauling them all off to her labs. It could have been a lot worse, and she wasn't going to push it and make it so. That just left, well, the fight. Shorted hair Tatiana was certainly enjoying herself, decking out one bounty hunter after a few swift blows and sending the machine crashing to the floor. Naturally some hired thug with a gun was no match for a warrior like her, even if she couldn't just blow them up and be done with it all. Having beaten up one guy she moved on to the next challenger, fighting through them like a hot knife through butter. The other two still weren't all that interested in actively instigating fights though, so they moved to link up with Hibiki before she got too far. "So much for singing, huh?" Tatiana noted aloud with a sigh. It was a shame, since they probably weren't going to get to do any karaoke at this point. The other, green skinned one, nodded in agreement. "I don't suppose you have any other favorite bars that are possibly not filled with bounty hunters and everyone who's decided to get into a bar fight specifically now?"Was that Bonesword at the bar? For a moment she thought on it before shrugging. She hadn't even realized that he could drink. Guess you learned something new every day. "At the very least, getting out before the Inquisitor over there decides to summarily execute everyone might be a good idea." She gestured towards the figure in question who seemed to be distracted for the moment. Hopefully he wasn't feeling too trigger happy, at least until they had left. [@Banana][@KoL][@The 42nd Gecko][@Awesomoman64][@Ryonara][@Lucius Cypher]