You could almost see Lyra's eyes shining at Ms. Hargreaves' explanation. It was not so much the words, but the way she was explaining it. She made flying, and their element, sound like such a wonderous affair. There are so many things she can learn here. [i]You have quite the gift yourself; sound is not an easy aspect of air to master, but it seems you might have the knack for it.[/i] She looked down at the violin in her hand. "Oh, is it? Do I? I don't know how I did it, if it was me." She couldn't help but smile, though. Of all the oddities of the physical world, she'd always been most fascinated with sound. It took her a second before she could hone back to the real world. She glanced at her new friend, who was still waiting patiently. "Oh, right! I'm Lyra, and this is Vera. We're, umm, my friend and I are thinking of exploring the academy. Do you know of any interesting place, err, Ms. Hargreaves?" [@Raptra] [@Stern Algorithm]