Oz connected the dots. [color=violet]"With all the time you've had I'm sure you realize that your children - the elementals - created us and by so doing you, yourself indirectly created us. We are all part of your legacy and that of the elementals, your children. It is one long link that joins us all together. We are - for all intents and purposes - one great family."[/color] He shifted himself a little closer to Geode and left his arms wide in an unhostile position. [color=violet]"The good that there is in humanity carries on the uncorrupted task of the elementals; creating, improving and making abundance in life. Hell, I was part of a farm, nurturing life, enjoying my work. Even then not every branch on a tree makes good fruit. Inevitably rot comes but it just makes us savor the sweet of the good that much more. You cannot have the best in life without experiencing hardships, whether it come naturally or from the evil of others."[/color] Oz stopped his advance and sighed. He wasn't done yet, he took a seat on the ground and crossed his legs. Geode was a great deal more complex than he ever knew. After all, as far as he could tell he was the Greatest Creator and under this logic Oz held some respect. [color=violet]"I hate to say this, I really do."[/color] Oz looked downcast at the ground. [color=violet]"But it needs saying. The world needs the good and the bad. It requires opposition. Without it nothing advances, no one grows stronger, no steel is shaped and no secrets are uncovered. Creator Geode, I think you need to see this world from another perspective. Care for the work of your children, their humanity. To simply wipe us all out would be to destroy everything they left behind, the world of life they had indeed created! They fulfilled the measure of their creation. Purging their work would be like erasing the fact that they ever existed."[/color] [color=violet]"You have borne witness to what atrocities mankind has wrought and what evils we can do. Yet I have not heard you utter at all about the great people. About the inventors, the healers, the leader -- the good fathers and mothers. We have learned of the arcane that you hadn't even considered. But because you have been attacked and spited by a single group out of a massive world of people you deem it relevant to wipe out EVERYTHING!"[/color] Oz's face was flushed. He wanted to be respectful to the being responsible for his very existence but he was pissed. There was no doubt he had a right to it. Geode had just moments ago announced his intention to essentially kill everything. Oz held silent for just a moment. [color=violet]"Creator. I am in your debt for life itself but I will not roll over and die. I would help you if your goals were just. If you were open to suggestion I would ask for help in keeping the darkness at bay without snuffing out the light just to stop it."[/color] Oz bowed his head briefly before looking back up and frowning at Geode.