Meesei's expression slowly shifted from being solemn, to a moderate grin once more. "I have been even kinder to my friends before, when they allow it. Indeed, I think you may find several members of my family to be more...amicable than you might expect. Regardless, I believe we should both get some rest. It is late, and I feel we both deserve some sleep. It should not be difficult to find me tomorrow, whenever you are ready. I do not plan on leaving the castle grounds." Walking up closer to Lunise, Meesei reached forward and placed a hand on her shoulder. "I know we have had our differences in the past, Lunise, but...I am glad to have you with us, truly. Were it anyone else, anyone less...principled than you, then Tamriel might not have as much hope in its future. Sleep well, Lunise." Meesei said before turning and beginning to walk towards the door.