Appearance:[img][/img] Name: Ragula of Istiniar Age: 37 Gender: Female Personality: Ragula is a cold, passive woman that prefers to listen and think then act and suggest. She works less as an addition to the brainstorm and battle tactics, and more as someone to keep things back into the lines of possible. She hates violence and always prefers to lead things to a less aggressive means of ending a confrontation. She is a wise lady, one who feels for her people but knows that she has no way to protect them until she has secured safety for her kingdom in general. A natural leader but less through moral and bravado and more through a way of manipulation and stubbornness, she is a lady that will strike you as a statue but quickly become animated in ways you would rarely see any man even twice as powerful as herself even imagine. Backstory: Ragula was the daughter of Istiniar's Village elder, a man who had been threatening time and time again to have the village willingly be captured by the rival of swadia. Istiniar was a prosperous town purely due to the hard work of the men and women that worked and lived they're, despite the odds and do to traitors hidden in the nobility, who had been purposefully over taxing them. In order to help alleviate stress, one of the many noblemen were forced to marry her. The wedding helped her slowly begin to infiltrate her new husband's agenda. It was her vendetta with the man who overtaxed her people that suddenly sparked a desire to rid her entire kingdom of traitors, rebels and internal struggle which she did through her husband. Unfortunately, her husband has killed via poisoning that she was to have drunk yet she had no thanks to him imploring that she wait for him to try it first. In her anger, she fought restlessly for rights over his army, kingdom, and wealth and trained herself by capturing rebels and bandits and forcing them to battle her with training weapons, granted freedom only if they could beat her. She proved remarkably resilient and a quick learner, slowly engrossing herself in an obsession with battle and war, spending all of her time learning how to fight or lead an army and other required needs for combat. When she was called forth for the first time, for a siege of a Swadian castle, she proved her worth, as she not only led the siege but improved their odds with her studies of seize tools and when they failed do to a noble of their own side switching sides and attacking them by surprise, she single-handedly defended the others as they retreated with nothing but her small army. She has since then been given a significantly larger army that she has left at her castle to train immensely as she travels with a much smaller group to attempt to make peace with the other military forces without violence. Skills: Tactics Training Surgery wound treatment Engineering Weapons/Equipment: Military scythe Short sword Heater sheild Plate armor Leather gloves Woolen hose Wimple (for disguise) Sausage x3 Honey x1 Other: Ragula, of course, is a midow, and because of so many nobles of Rhodoks are attempting to sway her to marry so that they may have her large army and the moral boost of Ragula.