[h1] Warning [/h1] Before I begin, I'd like to warm everyone that this RPG is [color=red]MATURE[/color]. This includes cussing (preferably limited), violence / battle, and suggestive themes (but no smut / descriptions of actual sexual acts). So, here we are. Co-GM'ed by [@Regitnui] [hr] [hr] Everything changed. Forty years ago, everything changed. Was it a government test? Alien experimentation? Random evolution? I don't know. And no one else seems to either. But our city, once known as New York City, has never came close to returning to normal. [hr] [hr] You live in Epic City, the new world that was NYC. Epic City is it's own country, with government and military forces from around the globe 'visiting'. The local police still work with the USA national guard on occasion. Four decades ago people changed. And since then all born have been affected. Nearly a quarter of the population has super powers, and are aptly named Epics. These powers range from basic to weird. Flight, strength, speed, impregnable skin, and more exist like basic comics. But many more enter the realm of weird, such as precognition, transmutation, energy transference, and so many more. So maybe you're a Hero, or a Neutral, trying to make it in the City. But as they say, the City is whatever you want it to be. [hr] [hr] So, a quick rundown.... All powers are open game. But I want you to discuss them with me. We'll hammer down the specifics. Everyone with a power also has a special weakness. Maybe it's fake jewelry, gold, soy sauce, or something simple. Without a defensive power, you're still weak to Normie stuff like bullets, blades, blunt force, drowning, fire, etc etc. Power weaknesses are tied to your character somehow. Something from their past, a great fear, or something else. We'll figure those out together if needed. Weaknesses negate your powers, and such are carefully guarded secrets (that you may or may not know yourself!) by both Heroes and Villains. Speaking of He's and V's, you'll need to figure out where you'll fall on the spectrum when we get to character creation. We're running a basic Black / Gray / White spectrum, with gray being basically someone who does what they want for themselves without being abundantly evil, or who work outside of the law to protect the City (vigilante, basically). That's not exactly set in stone though, just a basic guide. Please note, I won't be allowing villain characters, unless you can convince Reg and myself. On Power Limits: Most Epics have a single power with the more powerful having two or three. These powerful Epics generally have one offensive ability, a defensive ability, and a weaker defensive or offensive ability or a 'bonus' ability. So, speed with precognition and increased eyesight. The more powerful the Epic, the less complex their weakness. Of course, this is just another baseline to start from. As you'll see in my NPCs, powers can always grow with time. This is mostly a sandbox RP, but there will be plot points for y'all to interact with. Please note, as well, that the City only resembles NYC in the layout and the occasional business or something. Most everything in the City has changed with it's populace in the last forty years. I expect questions and everything, so bring 'em on.