In one quiet corner of the lobby a small puddle of water had formed from condensation and steady leakage. By design or simply due to poor building maintenance, the puddle grew and grew until it was almost two foot wide, though hardly deep. Strangely enough, without any fan-fare beyond the sudden gushing of said liquid upwards, a human being suddenly materialised in the puddle. In such a place, the woman’s arrival was by no means all that spectacular and she had not had any intention of trying to impress anyone. It was simply the best way for one such as her to get around. The woman was a strange one. Her reddish hair hung limply across her pale face and down past her shoulder blades, seemingly drenched with water. She was beautiful, but so very sad, her lithe form donned in the ragged remains of a once proud wedding dress. Water dripped constantly from her clothes, giving off the impression that she had just taken a lengthy swim in her strange attire, and her bare feet padded across the lobby as she moved with unconscious grace. She moved with purpose, an intense look breaking through her melancholy visage, her cold, watery, eyes fixed on the girl known as Xaih. Why this woman had an interest in her was uncertain, and in some respects, the interest was not her own. There was something else besides a human soul inside this tragic woman, and it yearned to contact the water elementalist, it was like a compulsion. The only time this red headed lady saw fit to move her eyes elsewhere was to glare angrily at the men in the room, swaggering braggarts for the most part, she would have liked to drag them down. Yet the Liaison, a figure with which she had a passing acquaintance, offered his protection here. While simultaneously sending these figures to fight and die for the amusement of others. Such hypocrisy was not lost on the woman. She stepped close to the girl. “Xaih, my name is Anna, I want to help you, if I may.” Her accent was a lilting Irish brogue, but her voice was very sad, and belied a great melancholy. She stood there before the girl, oddly self-conscious, dripping water on the floor. [@Xaih]