Rurik pointed to a student and asked them to read the section. He believed that teaching was a way to guide people as they learned things themselves. Some people watched, some people read, some people engaged hands-on, it mattered little. As long as they were learning what he was teaching, Rurik didn't care about the means. Sometimes he would even use his mutation to demonstrate particular things, especially in geometry. Shawn read the passage to himself, even skipping a little ahead. Geometry was easy, but Shawn needed to refresh himself on the course. He looked around to the two new kids, and was reminded of Peter Rasputin from the day before. He hoped he was doing well also, but worried somewhat since Peter didn't seem to be all that fluent in english. Hopefully someone could help him out. Rurik would be a great teacher, both being and speaking russian. Once Shawn was done, he leaned back in his chair and rested a little. He worked hard to be where he was, both physically and academically. If anyone needed his help on anything, he was willing to lend a hand. His eyes drifted to the new kids again, hoping to see how well they were grasping the information. [hr] "Is that how you see mental mutants?" Jean cracked the smallest of smiles. "Of course being able to lift heavy things and throw fireballs is important, but do you think that I'm any less involved in missions because I can't do those things?" She paused a moment and remembered that telepathy wasn't her only trick. "Yes, I have telekinesis, but that doesn't take away from the point. David, the first Prodigy, only learns things from the people around him, similar to you. Only, you learn from watching, reading, and interacting, and you keep that information afterwards. David learns new skills all the time, and he makes use of them." Jean knelt down to Heidi and tried her best to reassure her. "You're doing great, Heidi. You're stronger and faster than most people five years ahead of you, and that's quite the achievement. You just need someone or something to inspire you to feel, rather than think." [hr] "Oh, okay. Goodbye, Miss Kensington." Booker said quietly after she was already gone. He wondered why she had stormed out so suddenly, after making so much progress in the last few days. Either way, she would have to be back later for their session." [hr] Doc Celement had been wondering about Chrys' condition and status, with and without the limiter. His office was now riddled with papers and notes about this rather interesting patient. A nurse had alerted the doctor that Chrys was now awake, and the good doctor left to go and tend to his patient. "Chrys, easy there." he tried to keep Chrys laid down and calm. "I should have told Raven, I forgot she was doing that today. How are you doing?"