[@Crimson Raven] Communication is key. I believe even if you didn't read every post you can [i]always[/i] ask. "Hey, so I'm about to send Bianca your way, anything in particular I should be aware of?" Just simple stuff like that makes it a whole lot easier. But yeah obviously we shouldn't have people ending up isolated from the rest of the group, I do agree with that. I think it's completely managable. as to [@Crimmy]'s point about credits. One method we can use is this: I want an upgrade. So I post my proposed upgrade on the OOC in a manner of "This is the update, speak on it now or forever hold your peace." If someone does have an issue we discuss it like adults and if it must we can always hold a vote on a matter. I think we're all capable of being mature about that kind of thing. Especially with the stark lack of pvp and how insanely powerful some characters are, it isn't too much of an issue either way. Regardless my point is, with communication I believe it is fully possible.