[quote=@Forsythe] I will thank those responsible for opening my eyes to the team thing. Never thought to use a 5-why on the problem, which is kinda derp since I use it daily at work, ugh. Not that I would miss them, but I can see why others would. Regarding the credit system - I'm fine with the proposed changes for acquiring, but I would put forward a change at usage options as well. Right now it sort of hinders your ability to change your own character - Heck, even a creative way to use one's semblance requires credits, that's part of the reason why I had Diamond's be so unspecific. It's kind of pay to win, when you consider the differing amount of time and experience the players have. How about we change the credits to be more of a reward thing than necessity? What I think the credits represent here is the individual player's ability to [i]do things[/i] - high quality work, having the ability to dedicate time to it, ... - Let's give these players the option to run subplots (Ability to drive an engaging story others might ride on), create additional characters (Can dedicate time to more than one), things like that. But I don't think that having to depend on the subjective opinion of a contest judge, competing with people who may have more experience with the setting or just writing in general, or plain having the time to actually enter a contest on top of IC just to add 10 feet of chain to your weapon is the way to use this system. That said, I also propose to give a fat credit bonus to someone actually running the mission for others, not just completing it - retroactively. Those people earned it. [/quote] Pretty sure we did give people who ran missions some credits, because I remember at one point needing just a few more credits to buy the sub-plot I wanted to buy, and still haven't actually purchased yet, and Lugu or someone else pointed out that I should have enough thanks to running Team Jumpercable's mission.