… Oh boy this was not as easy as she thought it would be. She had decided to read at her own pace, to see what the material was, and while some was familiar and she knew how to do it, there were a few areas she had never even heard of. She took a few point form notes as the teacher taught on the subjects that she was utterly lost on, and she read over the section of the book on it, but there were a few areas that just wouldn’t… click. She drifted her focus back to the student that had spoken to her earlier- Shawn, right? He looked like he had his life in control and knew what he was doing, more or less, and the class was just more or less studying at this point. She didn’t see the harm in asking for help at that point. It looked like he had a similar idea of checking on the new kids; they made eye contact for a second, and she gestured for him to come over and tapped her pen on her book. She needed some help after all.